Department of Defense
NUMBER 2000.26
November 1, 2011
SUBJECT: Suspicious Activity Reporting
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. This Instruction:
a. In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5111.1 (Reference (a)) and Deputy
Secretary of Defense Memorandum (Reference (b)), establishes DoD policy, assigns
responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the documentation, storage, and exchange of
suspicious activity reports (SAR) through law enforcement channels to improve the protection of
DoD personnel, facilities, and forces in transit.
b. Delegates authorities for the effective administration of this policy.
c. Supersedes and cancels Directive-Type Memorandum 10-018 (Reference (c)).
d. Implements the Secretary of Defense Memorandum (Reference (d)) establishing the
eGuardian system to serve as the DoD law enforcement SAR system.
2. APPLICABILITY. This Instruction applies to:
a. OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the DoD
(IG, DoD), the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities
within the DoD (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “DoD Components”).
b. DoD law enforcement officers (LEOs), including police officers, investigators, criminal
intelligence analysts, and their supporting antiterrorism and force protection planning personnel
who are assigned, attached, or detailed to law enforcement agencies.
c. DoD contractors who, on behalf of a DoD Component and sponsored by a law
enforcement official, are involved in the SAR process, including operating a system of records as
defined in the Glossary and any of the activities associated with maintaining a system of records DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
related to SARs, such as collecting and disseminating records, but only to the extent specified by
the terms of the relevant contractual vehicle.
3. DEFINITIONS. See Glossary.
4. POLICY. It is DoD policy that:
a. DoD efforts to counter terrorism and terrorist threats shall address protection of DoD
personnel, facilities, and activities.
b. The eGuardian system shall serve as the exclusive DoD law enforcement SAR system and
shall be employed by DoD LEOs, analysts, and technical contractors assigned, attached, or
detailed to law enforcement agencies. The eGuardian system may not be employed by non-DoD
LEO personnel as defined in the Glossary.
c. SARs and other force protection threat information guide DoD efforts to:
(1) Identify and address threats to the DoD at the earliest opportunity.
(2) Implement information-driven and risk-based detection, prevention, deterrence,
response, and protection efforts immediately.
(3) Identify persons involved in terrorism-related activities and threats to the DoD.
d. To strengthen DoD efforts to fight terrorist threats:
(1) Those responsible for protecting DoD resources must have timely access to properly
acquired force protection threat information, particularly information that indicates a potential
threat regarding those who want to attack the United States, their plans, capabilities, and
activities, and the targets that they intend to attack.
(2) SAR and force protection threat information shall be immediately available to,
administered by, and shared among appropriate DoD law enforcement and security personnel in
support of DoD missions to the maximum extent permitted by law, regulation, Executive order
(E.O.), and DoD issuances for force protection purposes.
(3) This information shall be made available to other DoD personnel to the maximum
extent permitted by law, regulation, E.O., and DoD issuances for force protection purposes.
e. Personally identifiable information concerning individuals shall be handled in strict
compliance with section 552a of title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.) also known as “The Privacy
Act of 1974” (Reference (e)), DoD Directive 5400.11, and DoD 5400.11-R, (References (f) and
(g)), other applicable laws, and regulations and policies in accordance with Director of
Administration and Management (DA&M) Memorandum (Reference (h)). The collection, use,
maintenance, and dissemination of information critical to the success of the DoD efforts to
2DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
counter terrorist threats must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies regarding
the safeguarding of personal freedoms, civil liberties, and information privacy.
f. When proposing, developing, and implementing DoD-proposed legislation or DoD
issuances pertaining to suspicious activity reporting that retain or enhance a particular authority,
the DoD Component shall balance the need for the authority with the need to protect privacy and
civil liberties; provide adequate guidelines and oversight to confine properly its use; and ensure
adequate protections and training exist to protect privacy and civil liberties in accordance with
applicable law, including Public Law 110-53 (Reference (i)).
g. This policy does not affect existing policies governing:
(1) DoD intelligence and counterintelligence component activities. DoD intelligence and
counterintelligence components collect, retain, and disseminate information concerning U.S.
persons pursuant to procedures set forth in DoD 5240.1-R (Reference (j)) and E.O. 12333
(Reference (k)).
(2) DoD Component acquisition of information concerning non-DoD personnel and
organizations and the sharing of terrorism information in accordance with DoD Directive
5200.27 (Reference (l)) and E.O. 13388 (Reference (m)).
5. RESPONSIBILITIES. See Enclosure 2.
6. PROCEDURES. See Enclosure 3.
7. RELEASABILITY. UNLIMITED. This Instruction is approved for public release. It is
available on the Internet from the DoD Issuances Website at
8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Instruction is effective upon its publication to the DoD Issuances
1. References
2. Responsibilities
3. eGuardian Procedures
4. Categories of Suspicious Activities
GlossaryDoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
ENCLOSURE 1. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................5
ENCLOSURE 2. RESPONSIBILITIES .........................................................................................7
UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR POLICY (USD(P)) ............................................7
DA&M .......................................................................................................................................7
IG, DoD......................................................................................................................................7
GENERAL COUNSEL OF THE DoD .....................................................................................7
AGENCIES OR ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................8
SECRETARY OF THE ARMY……………………………………………………… ............9
ENCLOSURE 3. eGUARDIAN PROCEDURES ........................................................................10
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................10
ACCESS PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................10
REPORTING SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ...............................................................................11
REVIEW PROCESS ................................................................................................................12
ENCLOSURE 4. CATEGORIES OF SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ...............................................14
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................16
PART I. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................16
PART II. DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................16
4 CONTENTS DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
(a) DoD Directive 5111.1, “Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)),”
December 8, 1999
(b) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Delegations of Authority,”
November 30, 2006
(c) Directive-Type Memorandum 10-018, “Law Enforcement Reporting of Suspicious
Activity,” October 1, 2010 (hereby cancelled)
(d) Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Law Enforcement Suspicious Activity Reporting
(SAR) System – eGuardian,” May 20, 2010 (hereby cancelled)
(e) Sections 552a, 5541, and 8401(17)(A) and (17)(D)iii of title 5, United States Code
(f) DoD Directive 5400.11, “DoD Privacy Program,” May 8, 2007
(g) DoD 5400.11-R, “Department of Defense Privacy Program,” May 14, 2007
(h) Director of Administration and Management Memorandum, “Safeguarding Against and
Responding to the Breach of Personally Identifiable Information (PII),” June 5, 2009
(i) Public Law 110-53, “Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of
2007,” August 3, 2007
(j) DoD 5240.1-R, “Procedures Governing the Activities of DoD Intelligence Components
That Affect United States Persons,” December 1, 1982
(k) Executive Order 12333, “United States Intelligence Activities,” December 4, 1981, as
(l) DoD Directive 5200.27, “Acquisition of Information Concerning Persons and
Organizations not Affiliated with the Department of Defense,” January 7, 1980
(m) Executive Order 13388, “Further Strengthening the Sharing of Terrorism Information to
Protect Americans,” October 25, 2005
(n) DoD Instruction 5025.01, “DoD Directives System,” October 28, 2007
(o) DoD 5400.7-R, “DoD Freedom of Information Act Program,” September 4, 1998
(p) Chapter 47 of title 10, United States Code (also known as “The Uniform Code of Military
(q) Sections 641 and 930 of title 18, United States Code
(r) “Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) System of Records Notice,” November 23, 20081
(s) “Federal Bureau of Investigation Privacy Impact Assessment,” November 25, 20082
(t) Executive Order 13526, “Classified National Security Information,” December 29, 2009
(u) Chapter 36 of title 50, United States Code (also known as “The Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act,” as amended)
(v) Section 1220.32e of title 36, Code of Federal Regulations
(w) DoD Directive 5015.2 “DoD Records Management Program,” March 6, 2000
(x) Department of Homeland Security, “Baseline Capabilities for State and Major Urban Area
Fusion Centers,” September 20083
Available at
Available at
Available at
5 ENCLOSURE 1 DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
(y) Joint Publication 1-02, “Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated
Terms,” current edition
(z) Program Manager for Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE), “Information Sharing
Environment (ISE) Functional Standard (FS) Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Version
1.5,” May 21, 20094
Available at 2000.26, November 1, 2011
policies and procedures implementing this Instruction consistent with the policies and procedures
in References (e) through (m).
authority, direction, and control of the USD(P), as the principal civilian advisor to the USD(P)
and the Secretary of Defense for homeland defense activities, shall:
a. Provide DoD policy oversight for eGuardian, consistent with Enclosure 3, including
developing and overseeing policy for access and account management controls for the eGuardian
b. Develop and manage standardized DoD information-sharing policies and procedures to
provide a mechanism for sharing SARs and force protection threat information among all DoD
Components and personnel who support the force protection and antiterrorism mission, including
the Defense Intelligence Components (DIC).
c. In consultation with the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, establish policies and
procedures to analyze SAR data and for the fusion of SAR data with other intelligence reporting.
d. Interface with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on matters related to eGuardian
policies and procedures.
e. Consult with the DA&M on the requirements of References (e) through (i), (n), and (o) to
facilitate compliance by DoD Components.
3. DA&M. The DA&M shall advise the ASD(HD&ASA) on the requirements of References (e)
through (i), DoD Instruction 5025.01 (Reference (n)), and DoD 5400.7-R (Reference (o)), and
facilitate compliance by the DoD Components.
4. IG, DoD. The IG, DoD shall monitor compliance with this Instruction as it relates to the
Defense criminal investigative organizations (DCIOs).
the Department of Defense shall provide advice and assistance on all legal matters, including the
7 ENCLOSURE 2 DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
review and coordination on all proposed policies, DoD issuances, and proposed exceptions to the
DoD policies regarding the eGuardian system.
ACTIVITIES. The Heads of the DoD Components with law enforcement agencies or activities
a. Provide adequate funding and personnel to establish and support an effective program for
the use of the eGuardian system.
b. Provide for the management of the Component’s eGuardian program and the oversight of
Component law enforcement reporting of suspicious activity. The DoD Component Head shall
ensure that the procedures in this instruction are implemented.
c. Establish procedures, as well as rules of conduct necessary to implement this Instruction,
to ensure Component compliance with the requirements of References (f) through (m) and
Reference (o) and such rules and regulations as may be established by the Department of Justice
for the use of the eGuardian system.
d. Develop and conduct training, consistent with the requirements of this Instruction and
References (e) through (m) and (o), for assigned, employed, and detailed personnel prior to
initial access to eGuardian, including contractor personnel and individuals having primary
responsibility for implementing the eGuardian system.
e. Establish Component procedures to ensure only law enforcement personnel and analysts
who are assigned, attached, or detailed to law enforcement activities are granted account access
to the eGuardian system, and ensure that all assigned personnel with access to eGuardian
maintain the authorization to access the system.
f. Establish Component procedures to monitor the Component’s use of the eGuardian system
for compliance with use requirements and audit the reports submitted into eGuardian to ensure
its use is in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
g. Submit to the eGuardian system all SARs dealing with information regarding a potential
threat or suspicious activity, such as those listed in Enclosure 4, that are related to DoD
personnel, facilities, or forces in transit.
h. Develop Component quality assurance procedures to ensure DoD information reported to
the eGuardian system does not violate the parameters established in paragraphs 3.b. and 3.c. of
Enclosure 3, and to ensure the information is as complete and useable as possible.
i. Develop Component-specific suspicious activity awareness campaigns to enhance
detection, prevention, and protection efforts.
8 ENCLOSURE 2 DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
7. SECRETARY OF THE ARMY. The Secretary of the Army, in addition to the
responsibilities in section 6 of this enclosure, shall:
a. Provide overall program management for DoD’s use of the eGuardian system.
b. Report violations and investigative findings of Reference (h) to ASD(HD&ASA).
c. Coordinate with DoD Component Heads to ensure compliance with the eGuardian system
account management requirements and establish procedures for the execution of bi-annual audits
of all DoD Component accounts to ensure eGuardian system access is limited to authorized
d. Establish guidance and procedures as necessary to ensure that the DoD Components and
DoD personnel with access to the eGuardian system receive training in the proper use of and
safeguards for the eGuardian system.
e. Establish and maintain a Secret Internet Protocol Router website for sharing eGuardian
SAR and force protection threat information with DICs in accordance with the legal and
regulatory requirements in References (f) through (m).
f. Through the ASD(HD&ASA):
(1) Engage with the FBI on matters related to eGuardian procedures and training.
(2) Coordinate and identify funding requirements from DoD Components for the use of
the eGuardian system and ancillary technical support to the FBI.
g. Coordinate with the FBI eGuardian Management Unit for the suspension of individual
eGuardian system access for failure to comply with paragraphs 7.b. and 7.c. of this enclosure,
until the responsible DoD Component provides evidence of remediation.
Commanders of the Geographic Combatant Commands, in addition to the responsibilities in
section 6 of this enclosure, shall conduct analysis of SAR and force protection threat
information, including fusing suspicious activity reporting with all source intelligence and
counterintelligence reporting. Combatant Commands will utilize this analysis to formulate
protective measures and implement information-driven notification and risk-based detection,
prevention, deterrence, response, and protection efforts immediately. DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
a. All reports in the eGuardian system shared data repository (SDR) are viewable through
Guardian, the FBI’s classified threat reporting system. DoD personnel assigned to joint
terrorism task forces (JTTFs) and the National Joint Terrorism Task Force (NJTTF) have access
to Guardian.
b. Guardian and eGuardian are not emergency reporting systems. Users must contact their
chain of command and local JTTF in accordance with local procedures for any urgent matters
with a potential link to terrorism. After emergency reporting is conducted, information may be
submitted to the eGuardian system, as appropriate.
c. The eGuardian system functions as an alert, recording, and reporting system, not as a
long-term data repository. Decisions regarding the status of eGuardian reports will be made
promptly so that data can move quickly through the system.
a. Access to the eGuardian system is via Law Enforcement Online. DoD personnel whose
law enforcement responsibilities require access to the eGuardian system must first establish
access to Law Enforcement Online by applying directly to the FBI for access via the Law
Enforcement Online website at
b. Applications for eGuardian access shall be routed through the respective DoD
Component. The DoD Component shall validate and forward access requests to the FBI
eGuardian Management Unit ( for approval. DoD access is limited to
law enforcement personnel and analysts assigned, attached, or detailed to support DoD law
enforcement organizations. DoD law enforcement personnel and analysts assigned, attached, or
detailed to a DoD law enforcement agency supporting force protection, counterintelligence, and
intelligence activities are eligible for eGuardian system accounts and unrestricted access due to
their law enforcement status. Information acquired through the eGuardian system by DoD law
enforcement personnel may be shared with counterintelligence and intelligence agencies
conducting force protection and counterterrorism missions in compliance with the requirements
of References (e) through (m).
c. Initial access to the eGuardian system requires completion of a training module that
addresses standards for reporting and protection of privacy and civil liberties. All new account
holders must complete this training and sign in to the eGuardian system within 30 days of being
granted access to the system or their access will be terminated by the FBI. The DoD
Component will monitor user training status and deactivate accounts of untrained personnel.
10 ENCLOSURE 3 DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
d. All eGuardian system users must sign the FBI Information Technology and Information
Systems Rules of Behavior for General Users Agreement Form. Violations of the user
agreement will result in the termination of access privileges and could result in disciplinary
action under chapter 47 of title 10, U.S.C., also known as “The Uniform Code of Military
Justice (UCMJ)” (Reference (p)), or other applicable provisions of law, and result in other
adverse personnel actions.
e. Information obtained through eGuardian shall not be disseminated outside of the DoD
without the approval of the originating agency, a representative of a fusion or intelligence
center, a member of the JTTF, or an FBI eGuardian administrator. The misuse, theft, or
conversion of eGuardian records for personal use or the use of another person is a criminal
violation of section 641, chapter 31 of title 18, U.S.C. (Reference (q)).
f. There are four distinct types of eGuardian accounts approved for use by DoD personnel:
user, supervisor, approver, and read-only. The DoD Component will establish procedures to
grant the appropriate level of access to Component personnel.
(1) User account privileges include the ability to draft SARs in the eGuardian system
and the ability to view reports in the eGuardian SDR.
(2) Approver account privileges include the same privileges as user accounts as well as
the ability to approve draft SARs in the eGuardian system that are drafted by assigned user
account holders.
(3) Supervisor account privileges include the same privileges as user accounts as well as
the ability to edit a report and return it to the user for corrections prior to referral to the
(4) Read-only accounts only allow the ability to view reports in the eGuardian SDR.
g. Access to and use of information contained in the eGuardian system shall be consistent
with the authorized purpose of eGuardian as identified in the applicable FBI System of Records
Notice (Reference (r)) and Privacy Impact Assessment (Reference (s)).
a. The DoD Components with law enforcement agencies and activities shall use the
eGuardian system exclusively for reporting, storing, and sharing unclassified SARs dealing with
information regarding a potential threat or suspicious activity related to DoD personnel,
facilities, or forces in transit (see Enclosure 4).
b. No entry may be made into eGuardian based on a person’s ethnicity, race, religion, or
lawful exercise of rights or privileges guaranteed by the Constitution or Federal law, including
First Amendment-protected freedoms of religion, speech, press, and peaceful assembly and
11 ENCLOSURE 3 DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
protest, unless there exists reasonable suspicion of a direct relationship between such
information and a specific criminal act or behavior that may pose a threat to DoD personnel,
facilities, and forces in transit.
c. The following specific categories of information are not permitted to be entered into
eGuardian: classified information pursuant to E. O. 13526 (Reference (t)); information that
divulges sensitive methods and techniques information derived in accordance with chapter 36 of
title 50, U.S.C., also known as “The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act” (Reference (u));
grand jury information; Federal taxpayer information; sealed indictments; sealed court
proceedings; confidential human source and witness information; and any other information the
dissemination of which is prohibited by law. DoD Components will assign personnel to
monitor the system to ensure that these categories of information are not included in eGuardian
d. Only DoD law enforcement personnel or analysts within DoD law enforcement
organizations will enter SARs into the eGuardian system. SARs may be reported to law
enforcement from private citizens, DoD personnel, or may come directly from law enforcement
personnel who observe or investigate activities.
e. DoD Components without organic law enforcement organizations or entities will report
SARs to their supporting DoD law enforcement element.
f. Once entered, draft eGuardian reports are viewable to the initial drafter, the drafter’s
supervisor, and the approval authority within the drafter’s DoD Component.
a. DoD Components will establish a workflow that includes a review of draft eGuardian
reports written by the eGuardian system users within their Component. Approval authority will
not be below the level of the Component DCIO or designated law enforcement program office.
DoD Components without a DCIO or designated law enforcement program office may request
that local fusion centers or the FBI Guardian Management Unit serve as the responsible entity
to approve eGuardian drafts submitted by Component personnel. All reviews will ensure that
the draft eGuardian report complies with the standards established within this Instruction.
b. When suspicious activity is reported, if the initial investigative process by the reporting
law enforcement agency, which will include coordination with the supporting FBI JTTF or
NJTTF, finds no link to terrorism, the SAR will be deleted from the system and not be added to
the eGuardian SDR. If a clear determination is made of a link to terrorism, the information will
be passed to the eGuardian SDR for further dissemination and on to Guardian for analysis. If
no clear determination can be made regarding a link to terrorism but it cannot be discounted, the
information will be added to the eGuardian SDR for pattern and trend analysis. These reports
will be retained in the eGuardian SDR for a period of 5 years.
12 ENCLOSURE 3 DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
c. Suspicious activity, incidents, and threats that are believed to warrant investigation due to
the possibility they are an indicator of potential terrorist activity will be referred to the local FBI
JTTF and the appropriate DoD criminal investigative unit supporting the DoD Component.
d. SARs entered into the eGuardian SDR and resolved as having no clear link to terrorism
as a result of FBI JTTF or DCIO investigation will be removed from the eGuardian system after
180 days.
e. The FBI considers all reports submitted to the eGuardian system to be the property of the
submitting agency; therefore, should a submitting DoD Component desire that a report be
removed from the system prior to the 5-year mark, the report will be removed. All records
created or received must be maintained per authorized records schedules in accordance with
section 1220.32e of title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, and DoD Directive 5015.2
(References (v) and (w)). DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
This enclosure describes the potential categories to consider when evaluating suspicious activity.
a. Acquisition of Expertise. Unjustified attempts to obtain or conduct specialized training in
security concepts, military weapons or tactics, or other unusual capabilities such as specialized
transport or handling capabilities that would cause a reasonable person to perceive a threat to
DoD personnel, facilities, or forces in transit.
b. Breach or Attempted Intrusion. Unauthorized entry or attempted entry into a restricted
area or protected site; impersonation of authorized personnel (e.g., police, security, or janitorial
c. Eliciting Information. Suspicious questioning of personnel by any means about particular
DoD structures, functions, personnel, or procedures at the facility or infrastructure.
d. Expressed or Implied Threat. A threat to DoD personnel or threatened damage to or
compromise of a DoD facility or infrastructure.
e. Flyover or Landing. Suspicious overflight of or landing near a DoD facility or
infrastructure by any type of flying vehicle (e.g., airplane, helicopter, unmanned aerial vehicle,
hang glider).
f. Materials Acquisition or Storage. Acquisition of unusual quantities of precursor material
(e.g., cell phones, pagers, fuel, and timers); unauthorized or unlicensed individual or group
attempts to obtain precursor chemicals, agents, or toxic materials; or rental of storage units for
the purpose of storing precursor material, chemicals, or apparatuses for mixing chemicals.
g. Misrepresentation. Misusing or presenting false insignia, documents, or identification or
engaging in any other activity to misrepresent one’s affiliation.
h. Recruiting. Building operations teams and developing contacts, or collecting personnel
data, banking data, or travel data under circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to
perceive a threat to DoD personnel, facilities, or forces in transit.
i. Sabotage, Tampering, or Vandalism. Damaging, manipulating, or defacing part of a DoD
facility, infrastructure, or protected site. Acts of vandalism committed by DoD civilian
employees, Service members, or their dependents should not be reported as suspicious activity
unless those acts relate to a pattern of criminal activity or otherwise would cause a reasonable
person to perceive a threat to DoD personnel, facilities, or forces in transit.
j. Surveillance. Monitoring the activity of DoD personnel, facilities, processes, or systems,
including showing unusual interest in a facility, infrastructure, or personnel (e.g., observation
14 ENCLOSURE 4 DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
through binoculars, taking notes, drawing maps or diagrams of the facility, and taking pictures or
video of a facility, infrastructure, personnel, or the surrounding environment) under
circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to perceive a threat to DoD personnel,
facilities, or forces in transit.
k. Testing of Security. A challenge to, or a series of interactions with DoD installations,
vessels, personnel, or systems that could reveal physical, personnel, or capabilities
l. Theft, Loss, or Diversion. Theft or loss associated with a DoD facility or infrastructure
(e.g., of badges, uniforms, identification cards, emergency vehicles, technology, or documents,
whether classified or unclassified) that are proprietary to the facility, or a diversion of attention
from a DoD facility or infrastructure that is related to a theft or loss associated with that facility.
m. Weapons Discovery. Discovery of weapons or explosives, as defined in section 930 of
Reference (q). The discovery of personal weapons legally owned by DoD civilian employees,
Service members, or their dependents should not be reported as suspicious activity if the
discovery is solely the result of the owner’s failure to properly store or secure the weapons.
n. Unexplained Absences of International Military Students. International military students
who are unexpectedly absent from scheduled activities when the absence is without proper
authorization and lasts more than 24 hours, and an appropriate official with the host DoD
organization determines that the absence is not due to a misunderstanding in scheduling, to
sickness, or to another similar reason. DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
ASD(HD&ASA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’
Security Affairs
DA&M Director of Administration and Management
DCIO Defense criminal investigative organization
DIC Defense Intelligence Component
E.O. Executive order
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
GS General Schedule
IG, DoD Inspector General of the Department of Defense
JTTF joint terrorism task force
LEO law enforcement officer
NJTTF National Joint Terrorism Task Force
SAR suspicious activity report
SDR shared data repository
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
U.S.C. United States Code
USD(P) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this Instruction.
DoD law enforcement organizations. Organizations, agencies, entities, and offices of the
Military Departments and Defense Agencies and the DoD Inspector General that perform a law
enforcement function for those departments and agencies and are manned by DoD LEOs.
DoD LEO. In accordance with sections 5541 and 8401(17)(A) and (17)(D)iii of Reference (e),
the DoD LEOs defined here are considered Federal LEOs.
16 GLOSSARY DoDI 2000.26, November 1, 2011
Military police (Army and Marine Corps), security forces (Air Force), and Masters-at-Arms
(Navy) who wear a military uniform with police identification while on duty; and DoD
Component civilian police (General Schedule (GS) 0083 series or equivalent, consistent with the
definitions of “law enforcement officer” in Reference (e)) when credentialed to perform those
duties in accordance with the UCMJ.
Military and civilian (GS 1811, consistent with the definitions of “law enforcement officer”
in Reference (e)) criminal investigators (special agents).
eGuardian. The FBI unclassified, law enforcement-centric threat reporting system. It provides a
means to disseminate SARs dealing with information regarding a potential threat or suspicious
activity rapidly throughout the national law enforcement community.
fusion center. Defined in Baseline Capabilities for State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers
(Reference (x)).
individual. In accordance with section 522a (a) (2) of Reference (e), a citizen of the United
States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence.
non-DoD LEO personnel. The following categories of DoD personnel are not considered to be
DoD LEOs or Federal LEOs:
DoD intelligence, analytical, personnel security, and contractor personnel who are not
employed in support of DoD law enforcement agencies.
Antiterrorism and force protection officers who are not assigned, attached, or detailed to law
enforcement activities.
Persons conducting counterintelligence activities in the Military Department
Counterintelligence Organizations, Defense Agencies, Combatant Commands, or DoD Field
Corrections specialists who are not DoD LEO.
personnel. Defined in Joint Publication 1-02 (Reference (y)).
suspicious activity. Defined in Information Sharing Environment Functional Standard
Suspicious Activity Reporting Version 1.5 (Reference (z)).
system of records. In accordance with section 522a (a) (5) of Reference (e), a group of any
records under the control of any agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the
individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the