Saturday, August 3, 2013

US Support of Israel Against Palestine, Reason for 9/11 High-Jackers Anger

The Root Cause of The World's Terror is 

US and Israel Military and Weapons Tech

Wake Up America

We need to open our eyes.  Our world contains all types.  As a nation the US contains both good and bad as well.  But we tend to be blind to the truth. The truth I heard on the morning of 9/11/2001, the newscaster stated that they had received last words tapes from some of the highjacks.  The newscaster stated that they had heard the tapes but that they had been taken away.  He also stated that they the highjacks were upset with the with the US support of Israel. FBI and Bin Laden agreed.

9/11 Commission Hearing

Israel Committing Genocide Against Palestine

ex-President Jimmy Carter Says Israel's Actions Against Palestine is Genocide

USA National Security Agency Supported 1996 Israel Assassination of Palestinian 

Assassinations are cursed by God, as they kill in secret and deny Justice.  Also moving a neighbors boundary or property line as with a bulldozer.  Further denying Justice to the Fatherless and Widows are also cursed, see Deuteronomy 27.

In January 1996 the US National Security Agency did indeed support Israel in the assassination of a Palestinian in his home.  A month or so later they bulldozed his home, denying justice to his now fatherless child and widow.  

That is 5 curses, I know my God would not approve. Habakkuk 2:12 “Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed and establishes a town by injustice!"

The 1948 reentry into the land of Israel appears to be mans idea not God's.    I can find no historical event that correlates with the any scriptural reference for reentry after a scattering or exodus. Reentry is to the day.  So who said go if not God?

Revelations 2:9 "...I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."
Revelations 3:9 "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not,but are liars..."

Secret Society and The War Machine Hides Evil

Who profits from war!!! 

8 Out of Top 11 Weapons Producers Are US Based

1 comment:

  1. The Key Points Are:
    1 - We have all made mistakes.
    2 - We need to accept them and move on, by asking God for forgiveness.
    3 - We need to understand what wend wrong. By open discussion.
    4 - We need to correct our errors in our ways.
    5 - We need to declare we are a nation of God.
    6 - We need to accept each other as we are.
