Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Leave It To Beaver

I find it almost unbearable to think about our utter selfishness, that nobody seems to understand, even when you explain it to them. If you remember the show Leave It To Beaver, this fictitious scene may explain. "June: Ward, the Beaver was being creative again. If we do not stop it now when he grows up I hear he will be locked in a small dungeon called an iPod. Ward: Oh June you really need to worry about the xBox, I hear…. Wally: Hey mom, dad, why are you so concerned. The iPod and xBox are where we get trained in how to survive on the desolate planet your generation leaves behind for us kids, it is a kind of hypnotism so that we can ignore our governments actions. June: Oh Wally your being silly, these devices will not be out until you are grand parents. Wally: Oh yeah, your right mom, so we can pillage the planet too. I feel better now. June: Good Wally, we would not want to deny your generation any indulgence. Wally: Gee thanks mom, me either."

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