Freemasons, Secrecy, Fear, and Division Within Our Nation
God has made me witness to many things and told me to speak sternly to the leaders. I have had a hard time accepting it and dropped many things on the floor due to the total rejection of man on the topics, because people fear their weakness being exposed, by a few, fear of financial loss by some, fear of the unknown by many as well as fear of exposed lies by many. The fundamental cause of the issue is the Hidden Plutocracy that truly runs our country. The good ole boy secret society. Here the term use of Freemasons is a catchall for secret society in general for whom ever it applies. All are apart of the destruction of our nation. Secret society promotes and uses fear, this creates division among our people. We are a wicked nation, not the people but the system, but we have neglected our responsibility to oversight of our government. So turn and repent and seek the Lord's forgiveness, and step up and help do your part in overseeing this nation. Secrets must go as they violate the constitution not to mention God's Law. But the later is all that matters, and the former is used simply to prove we are wrong by our own laws.Where It Started and What Is It
The issues date back to 1613, exactly 400 years ago this year Pocahontas was taken captive and married a English Freemason named John Rolfe. We proceeded to exile the Indians and plundered their land. We have and almost al the coal and natural gas. Recently we gave them a business that God sees as an abomination, ill gotten gains from casinos God will not accept.We created terrorism with our attempts to control our voracious appetite for gas and fighting the cold war. Al Qaida leaders came out of the Mahujadeen, a group our CIA funded, trained, and equipped in the 30 years ago to fight the Soviets under a false flag. Trying to pretend it was not us. This is a common tactic used today in terrorism. Little Bush coined the term the Axis of Evil, as you will see that may be more appropriately applied to the US. It is worth noting that the Freemason network permeates the CIA, NSA, FBI,...
If you look at the history of our nation the Freemasons were heavily involved from the beginning. George Washington and all of his generals were freemasons, answer many who signed the declaration of independence and the Constitution. The layout and architecture is very symbol oriented and due to masonic influence (so I have heard). But in 1983 the Pope declared that Freemasons could not partake of Holy Communion.
US Blind To Our Actions
We break our laws, both constitutionally and war crimes. The first Amendment states Congress shall make no law that respects an establishment of religion. Basically telling the creator of the universe He is not welcome. A clear violation of the second commandment. Additionally our standard security practice brings curses as defined in Deut 27, 28.November 4 1995, Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a zealot Zionist. It was believed, based on an Israeli lawsuit and articles that it was an inside job as the Shin-Bet had a relationship with the assassin. Two months and one day later a Palestinian was assassinated in flamboyant act of provocation. It appears clear that it was geared to get a response, and it did, a few bombings killed nearly 60 Israeli's and injured hundreds just before the election of Rabin's replacement. Following this killing they bulldozed his home denying justice to his fatherless child and his widow, coupled with moving a boundary stone. Killing him in secret and denying him justice that makes it 5 curses in Deut 27. A trusted Christian co-worker in the office of K512 at NSA, revealed this story to get it off his chest in 1996 just before I left the Agency. I thoroughly corroborated it about a year ago in the media. The real question is would God have His people use cursed techniques to reclaim their land. No. Which brings to the forefront was the 1948 entry into the land of man or God. God does entries to the day, and I can find no historical significance or precedent for 1948.
Further 1 John 2:22 states anyone who denies Jesus is the Messiah is an antichrist. So our support Israel given our understanding of Christ seems to imply were supporting the enemy of Christ. So it is hypocritical at best, and seems to imply we are an antichrist. God says you cannot serve two masters. Who among Christians support Israel in an unnatural way, i.e., with irrationally strong support? Freemasons certainly fit this. Senate and House voting records would likely reveal freemason membership based on staunch support for Israel. But that is just a theory about the voting records.
Associated Networks
The underlying issues involve the CIA/NSA/Military/Freemason/GOP war machine, as well as the courts, banks, and churches. The harassment by the freemasons and military is amazing. They are truly cowards. If you recall from history the British fought like men, face to face on the battlefield. But we hid behind trees. We created gorilla warfare, terrorism too. God curses cowardly killing Deuteronomy 27. We kill in secret because it is more secure. Translation we are cowards. Our men need to learn to be men. Quit hiding and carrying on in secret. I have lost all respect for our military as their secrecy and actions toward me show that they are so cowardly that they hide their secrets by not talking to me but destroying me in secret. If they are what America is about I am not interested in furthering this behavior. I have to believe that their eyes are closed and that is not their true character. But all I can do is pray their eyes to be opened.On the morning of 9/11/2001, nineteen men mostly from Saudi Arabia piloted the planes into the buildings. We invaded 3 other nations. These actions are beyond comprehension to me at this point. But I like you did nothing at that time. I was a coward. But God has shown me the error of our ways. In Iraq we lost 4000, and we took out 120,000. This results in a kill ratio of 30 to 1, We are darn efficient at killing. Perhaps because of our huge investment in death technology, 37% of each years tax dollars is at least what is published. Habakkuk 2 -Woe to he who builds a city on bloodshed.
Issue 1: US Wealthiest Areas Driven By Death
In 2012 the richest 4 counties in the US were Arlington VA, Louden VA, Howard MD, Fairfax VA. These correspond to the-Pentagon-Arlington,
-Defense Contractors-Louden,
Additionally 9 of the top 13 weapons producers are US companies. Cursed is he who leads the blind astray, Deut 27. Our leaders create massive secret structures that bring curses on our country.
Issue 2: False god
There are two types of energy in this world, creation and destruction. As God is all about creation, or positive energy, then the United States being focused so heavily on destruction makes us an antichrist, our system is the problem, as it is a false god. We host the synagogue of satan Revelations 2:9, 3:9, i.e., CIA/NSA/Military/Freemason/GOP war machine. The freemasons are the elders, DC is the holy city, the Whitehouse and/or the Capitol is it's holy places. Idolatry of our False god, the US Government war machine is exemplified by:- We rely on it in time of war
- We tithe to it, more than to God
- We sacrifice our youth to it
- We make graven images to it's leaders and it's dead
- We pledge to a symbol of it
- We salute a symbol of it
- We make holidays to honor it
- We basically submit, bow down, rely on, pay reverence to i.e., we worship it
Root Issue: Secrecy is a Problem
Secrecy has destroyed us from the inside. Classification was to protect the lives of patriots who were spreading democracy. It seemed noble, but it has grown into a monster that has putt us $16 trillion dollars in debt. We have consumed the land, as 60% of our natural gas must be traced, i.e. squeezed from stone. My daughter did a research report and found with current rates of usage increase we have 35 years of coal left. So we are the locusts of Joel 1.Now consider how the 'men' have neglected the women. Not sure if there is a correlation between the pro life votes in government and the freemason/secret society membership, but is is worth considering. Regardless there is no intention to bash a certain group.
Just shine a light on blind hurtful behavior that is done in the name of something good. As I am positive that the freemasons are one such group, I have no doubt about anything I say in this document. It is fact. The powers that be have had a smear campaign against me and an investigation starting n 1992, while I worked at NSA. It involved my divorce, and I have been targeted unofficially by special interest groups based on some truth, but many more lies and fabrications that are never cleared due to secrecy. But it is not my circumstances that were the main point, but the fact that the structure of our government actually alienates God. This has turned our government into a a false god, causing us to be guilty of idolatry. The core features that cause this is our first amendment and the fact that secrecy in government violates our Constitution and God's Laws. Turns out that Fear is a key element in all human failures in the history of man. There are secret groups that cause these things to propagate, they are our secret societies. But the powers in the flow of money. I received a banking lesson while in Canada. Two banks are in the north. It is interesting but what is important is that money flow needs to be exposed.
These secret societies permeate every inch of our social, religious, and government groups. Banking was invented by the Freemasons during the crusades. Religion seemed to take a dive underground when in 1613, as the German Jews were exiled and plundered. Could they have important documents recovered from the Jewish plunder? So their influence is felt in banking, in the courts, and essentially creating slavery as they try to control women's right to choose among many other issues. Not even God limits sin, if indeed their choice is sin. Any man who tries to control another's sin is elevating himself as a god. God grants us free will. I am not saying abortion is right. It is a sin in some cases but as all sin is between that person and God, it is not a man's to say for any other that their wife and children. Who controls the courts, well nearly every judge is a freemason, so I have heard (this I admit is complete hear-say). So the women have been force to protect themselves. And now they are in fact in fear of the men's network, the good ole boys. I feel their pain. I also see clearly why the freemasons hide their membership.Satan uses a 5 pointed star (Pentagram, Pentagon).
God uses a 6 pointed star. (Star of David)
God says you can't serve two masters.
So choose, NOW.
Do you side with God or Satan?
We lead the world into the mess we have today. Decide now to lead the world back to God.
Pray for the men who are freemasons or any other similar group. They have good intentions but have been tricked as all have been to one degree or another. Pray for open eyes and for justice and forgiveness as God sees fit.
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