And were off to see the the truth
Freedom = Truth, Love, Humility
Captive = Deception, Hate, Arrogance
Shalom = Faith, Joy, Peace
Truth/Trust = Full disclosure and trust.
Deception/Fear = Withhold of info or suspect
Faith = Fruit of full truth between two people
Love/Acceptance = Give and Receive,
Hate/Rejection = Take or Reject
Joy = Fruit of Charity(=Love is a verb)
Humility/Understanding = Unity
Arrogance/Judging = Division
Peace = Fruit of Humility
Freedom is the subset given as the intersection of all things positive. Captivity is its the complementary subset of Freedom, Captivity = Union of everything not in Freedom.
So anything that opposes those thoughts I believe to be sin. So to not Love is to Hate = Deceptive / Secrets / Witholding, Fear, Disinterested, Misunderstanding, Rejection, Arrogance, Despair, Hurried, Ignore, not Care. But if you can achieve this I feel you will have found one of the keys to heaven. Another way to think of this is Freedom is achieved in true Love which means all of the positive and none of the negative.
Captive = Deception, Hate, Arrogance
Shalom = Faith, Joy, Peace
Truth/Trust = Full disclosure and trust.
Deception/Fear = Withhold of info or suspect
Faith = Fruit of full truth between two people
Love/Acceptance = Give and Receive,
Hate/Rejection = Take or Reject
Joy = Fruit of Charity(=Love is a verb)
Humility/Understanding = Unity
Arrogance/Judging = Division
Peace = Fruit of Humility
Freedom is the subset given as the intersection of all things positive. Captivity is its the complementary subset of Freedom, Captivity = Union of everything not in Freedom.
God has given me a special sense. I can feel (or lets say I am aware of) the human heart. I can see what heaven could be if we can all stop everything but love. Love is misunderstood, but as it is misused I will follow that and allow it to be the cover word for all things positive.
In John 3:16 "God so Loved ... He Gave... His only Son" This passage tells us that Love is to Give. Give what? His son, something He cared deeply about. So He is making a grand offer to us even more significant than when a man asks a woman to marry. He shows us He cares deeply. This offer also implies faith, trust, and hope, that it will be accepted. Let's go deeper...
English is often very low context, but this verse has a lot of context that should be considered. God knows we are not able to meet the requirements of the first covenant, so this offer expresses concern, understanding, empathy, and acceptance of us as we are. All in exchange for just giving the same treatment back to Him, and your fellow man.
Further this is a demonstration of perfect communication, as He is patient, He has listened, He has spoken from the heart, made an offer, and conveyed the full Truth. A truly amazing verse. So recapping what Love means, based on this verse Love is to Give and Express, Truth, Trust, Concern, Empathy, Understanding, Acceptance, Humility, Hope, Patience, To Listen, To Care. The meaning of "Love your neighbor" it is almost the same as that of open communication.

Even though this is not in the Bible I feel it is a fundamental truth that positive thinking and energy makes us and everyone around us happy, and brings a sense of peace. Once there you fear nothing, no concerns, true freedom. But getting there is the trick as you cannot be concerned with others thoughts or actions, you have to accept. We will not discuss it here but tapping into the subconscious is important as it relates to the future, love, and heaven. Remember that when Jesus died the inner curtain ripped. Symbolic of the taking off of Rebekah's veil she kept on in front of Isaac. So it is symbolic of women letting men see them spiritually naked. The same is true for government. Freedom can only be achieved in this way. Transparency and Truth are critical for Freedom.