God and Christ are Love, did you ever think what is the opposite of Love. Let's call it anti-love, which actually defines an antichrist.
Love is to Give, Truth, Trust, Understanding/Humility, Support, Your Life to ALL your fellow men. But through actions and truth, is how you love. But look close and to love is to openly communicate, to care. Fear we are told is driven out by love, trust me it i true. So Fear is anti love, but what is the opposite of fear, to trust. If you either trust in the the person or rely on God your fear of them ill go away. Truth is what is expected from you as well as you trust it to be true. So untruths / misinformation, or blocked information (classification) eventually erode trust and enable fear to jump in, which makes double the problem. So secrecy is an anti-love too. So what is the opposite of Understanding can be defined in many ways, but to fail to understand is usually failure to try, so to physically listen, i.e., but not pay tention which is a lack of respect or arrogance is anti-love. And the action verb of all Love is to Give, looking outward not inward. The opposite of Giving is selfishness or laziness, but the best way of thinking about it is Taking.
Love Is: Anti-Love Is:
Giving Taking
Truth Deception, Secrecy, Witholding Information, Failure to Communicate
Trust Fear, Control, Jealousy
Humility Arrogance, Not Listening,
Accepting Judging, Condemning
So we enjoy competitive behavior, we train our children to compete rewarding them for winning. We worship sports teams, we pay attorneys a lot of money to win, we play poker, board games, and watch auto racing. All of these things are all about winning. So what is winning? To Win someone has to Lose. But Winning is taking something from the Loser. So Win you take in, Lose you give out. So in our table above Winning would be under Anti-Love, and Loosing would be under Love.
So we train our children to compete.
We compete at work for business.
We keep secrets, as in secret societies.
We allow our government to keep secrets from us.
We fear those who oppose us, based on the difference de-jour(gender, race, religion, polotics,...)
We try and control others behavior, alcohol, sexual habits, abortion, you name it.
We do not listen but rush to judgement, and condemn others dismissively before we listen.
Now ask yourself how do you add up with the above table, because the list above seems to be entirely anti-Love.
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